Welcome to ACF! We are so glad you are planning a visit. Our desire is for you to feel welcome and at home. On this page, you will find information regarding the logistics of a typical Sunday service. If you are looking for a more personal connection, please check out our Life Group, and Children’s Ministry pages. When you arrive at ACF, if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask one of our Greeters, Ushers, or anyone really! We look forward to meeting you!
Visitor Information:
•Service Details – We begin at 6PM on Saturdays and at 10AM on Sundays with a time of contemporary worship, followed by announcements and a Spirit-inspired message with an approximate end time of 11AM. Our church family is made up of people from all seasons and walks of life, so you’ll meet people dressed in anything from flip flops to a coat and tie.
•Nursery – Nursery is available at our 10AM Sunday service for children 9 months to 3 years old. Committed volunteers supervise toddlers as they play and learn an age-appropriate Bible lesson!
•Nursing Mothers Room – For mothers of our newest babies we have a room available for you where you can be with your baby and still hear the sermon. If you’d prefer to stay in the sanctuary, there are gliders available for your use to rock your babies.
•Kids’ Church – Kids’ Church is a time for kids to learn about a life-changing relationship with God through engaging, Bible-based lessons! After the praise and worship time in the sanctuary, kids (ages 4-12 years) are dismissed to go to their age-appropriate classes. Age 4 – 2nd grade children use the Fellowship Hall classroom and 3rd grade – 6th grade use the Youth Room. (Just ask an usher if you need help finding these rooms!) Saturday evening has one class for age 4 – 6th grade in the Fellowship Hall. All classes will experience about a time of teaching, activities, and videos from the popular and effective curriculum, The Gospel Project. Each class is lead by a team of loving, trustworthy volunteer teachers. All children are released to the parents/guardians after the service is finished. We always love having new friends join us in kids’ church – a safe and fun environment to learn about and grow together in Jesus!
•Prayer Requests – At any time you can fill out a Connect Card to give to an usher, or expressed to someone sitting alongside you. We welcome and encourage prayer for those around us and for circumstances and needs in our life!
•Refreshments & Fellowship – (*On pause during Covid) Each week we have light refreshments after church, and a fellowship luncheon once a month. Please stay and mingle, we look forward to getting to know you better!
•Our Grounds– Our debt-free, self-built building is still under construction, so please be patient with us as we continue to improve the grounds. Our sidewalks are brand-new, and our next project is to be our improved, well-lit parking lots!
Photos from our off sight worship service & church picnic (June 2022)

Here are some of our amazing volunteer during covid (2020):