Our worship team is comprised of a group of hardworking talented musicians, vocalists, and audio and visual technicians who want you to have an awesome experience encountering God in worship. These individuals attend monthly team nights to seek God, to grow in unity, to plan and problem solve, and to hone skills.
What is worship?
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,” Col 3:23
Whether you are mowing your lawn, grocery shopping, working at your job, playing an instrument, singing, or doing anything else – if you are doing it as unto the Lord and for His glory it is worship.
Why do we worship?
Worship is our highest calling. We were created to worship. God commands it and delights in it. Jesus Christ and no other is worthy to be worshiped and praised. Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. He alone is worthy of all the praise, honor and glory.
Worship Team CORE VALUES
PURITY – God is holy and cannot accept sin (Is 59:2). We lead others by first coming before God with clean hands and pure hearts (Ps 24). “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Mt 5:8
HUMILITY – God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). In humility value others above yourself (Phil 2:3). We serve God, each other and ACF from a low place of preferring others.
UNITY – Together we will go further! We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:3). When we dwell together in unity God commands a blessing, ordains eternal life (Ps 133).
Do all things without complaining and disputing….. Phil 2:14, 15
PASSION – We pursue Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
We endeavor to continue to develop these values.
Worship Team Application
Click here to apply for a volunteer serving position in our worship ministry.
ACF Worship Ministry Overseer:
Katie Ledbury began overseeing ACF’s worship ministry in August 2022. Katie has a sincere desire to see others pursue wholeness and holiness, and believes that worship is a catalyst for that transformation. As we worship, we elevate and glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Psalms 22:3 reminds us that God “inhabits the praises of His people.” As we encounter and respond to the love of the Father, we are transformed in His presence.
Katie has been playing piano since she was a little girl and a member of the ACF Worship Team since 2016. She has been blessed to grow in this role, under the experience of previous Overseer, Janelle Gmitter. When not serving at ACF, Katie enjoys spending time with her husband Beau and their 2 children.
We are very blessed a grateful to have such a gifted and anointed worship ministry overseer on staff at ACF.