People are being healed and we want to share the great news!

On April 28th I ask for prayer for, as we used to say, “more Lord” and felt a powerful touch from the Holy Spirit- Some people respond with tears – I respond with laughing “fits” and that was good – I felt greatly relieved from a heaviness in my spirit. As an added bonus – I can sing again – I used to have a nice voice, was on the worship team, and did a lot of my praying in song, but age or something made it hard to get the right notes and hear the tunes in my head any more. I sounded unpleasant to my ears and not something to inflict on other people around me – I sang to the Lord less and less (I sometimes said that the music in my soul had died). However, over the last week, I have found I can carry a tune again! I’m not worship team material anymore, but I can sing to the Lord again with ease and pleasure. It may not be up there with a cure for serious illness but it seems a remarkable blessing to me
Pastor Paul – you prayed for my inflammation on Sunday and it went away in that moment! Praise God! And I’ve felt better since! I’ve been battling (mentally) with whether I had actually received healing for my autoimmune conditions, even though God told me to ask for it (another testimony from May).
Then, Pastor Josh – you mentioned that with prayer and prayers for healing it needs to leave the head and come from the heart… I went to Kingston yesterday with my sister, mom & aunts to celebrate my sister getting married… And while there Holy Spirit led me to encourage a mom and then stop and talk and pray with a homeless man smoking on the street. That is NOT the typical me. I have always wanted the courage to stop and minister to the homeless but…fear of man and fear of failure (as in not having the “right” words) has stopped me. But when I walked by him, the Lord said to stop. Walked past a couple of steps and had to excuse myself to go back. I squatted down and visited and prayed for Brian and as I was just journaling I realized that it all went from my head to my heart yesterday and I’m joyfully crying at Gods’ goodness and how He works with a willing heart! The words came! I was not intimidated or fearful. It was just me and this man. And there was a genuine love with no concern of the cigarette smoke in my face or the condition of his hygiene.
My devotions lately have been the prayer of Jabez –
“Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”
Wow. Our God just never ceases to amaze me.

Recently I heard a wise friend at the Bless the Badge conference say that if we share our stories and testimonies, it takes away power from Satan and gives God the glory for what He has done through our struggles. About a year ago, I shared that I had an abnormal mammogram and how through the power of prayer, it was all ok. Well, here we are a year later and I had one of the most anxious, scary weeks of my life! At the beginning of May, I ended up in the ER with severe abdominal pain. They did an ultrasound and CT scan and couldn’t find a reason for the pain. Fast forward 3 weeks later, and I was back at the ER (a different one this time). We were there all night. They repeated the same tests I had 3 weeks prior. Around 5 in the morning, the doctor came in and basically told me that they found a large apple core shaped lesion in my colon and that they were 90 percent sure I had colon cancer. I was shocked and shaken up, as was my husband. They told me I needed to get into my primary care doctor and to a gastroenterologist ASAP. I told my husband we needed to trust God in
this, but honestly, I felt like maybe those words were in my head, but not quite in my heart. We decided we wouldn’t tell our kids or my parents until we knew for sure what we were dealing with. That day was one of the hardest days…riddled with the unknown, anxiety, thinking worst case scenarios…Satan was having a field day with my mind. I recognized that and called in the troops. On the drive home, Cheryl Gmitter prayed with Travis and me the entire drive. My friend Jenny
Watkins started praying, too. My Life Group leader, Micki, joined in praying for me and added some of my awesome friends from Life Group to the prayer chain. They sent me songs to listen to, scripture to read, and lots of support. My friend, Samantha, invited us over for dinner to distract me so we didn’t sit alone in our worry that night. My sisters cried with me, prayed, and checked on me multiple times a day. My sister in law, Rikki, used her super powers to get me an appointment ASAP with my doctor. My neighbor, Michael, (who is a PA) let me interrupt his day off to ask a bunch of questions and calmed me down quite a bit. It is not lost on me that God put all of these people in my life to comfort me and pray for me. I was able to quickly get into my doctor (Dr.Laureano). She was awesome! She calmed me down and moved very quickly to get me into a specialist. Within 3 days of
seeing her, I was seen by the specialist in Syracuse. The doctor I saw there was fantastic! He moved things around in his schedule to get me scheduled for a colonoscopy ASAP. Within a week and two days of hearing the C word at the ER, I had my colonoscopy. All praise and glory to God: it was negative for cancer! All clear of anything! My gem of a doctor actually teared up with me when he gave me the good news! He personally went out to our car to tell my husband the good news, since he wasn’t allowed to come into the surgery center. That doctor was a blessing through this! As I reflect back on this long week, I also wanted to share how God was so faithful in the waiting. That Saturday, I was invited by my friends Jolene and Janessa to attend a women’s conference in Syracuse. Each of the speakers said things that day that felt like they were tailored to my situation. They brought me to tears and offered me comfort . I got through one more day feeling comforted and reminded of the goodness of God. That next day, a few people prayed for me at my church. It was also on that day that I had one of the most profound, peaceful, amazing experiences of my life. A guest pastor from Uganda was at my church that day. He prayed for me and, as he did, I truly felt the power of the Holy Spirit come over me. I sobbed uncontrollably. It was the most peace I have ever experienced in my life. My sister, Tracy, and my friend, Jenny, were there with me…a gift in this experience. I walked out of that church that day with complete trust in God and so much peace in my heart. I still didn’t know what news I would get on that Tuesday, but I knew that God was going to be with me every step of the way. He sent all these people into my life to let me know I am not alone and to give me comfort in the waiting. I firmly believe that I experienced physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that day. God took the doubting Thomas in me and dealt with me that day. He reminded me of His perfect peace and His power. Through the wise words of my friends, Erin and Cheryl, He showed me that Satan was using this to distract me from some plans God has in the works for Travis and me. Anyway, I wanted to share this experience in hopes it provides hope
for someone. I want to give God all the glory in this. I am so grateful and blessed by everyone who has prayed for me and been there for me during this past week.

I have had mini seizures for 15 years. Whenever I would hear a startling noise, or if someone approached me from behind, I would go into a seizure for about a minute. I could have up to 10 seizures in a day. I live at French Bay Cottages and go to the Paynter Center for Bingo and other activities. People there are aware of my condition and do their best to not startle me, or I leave if it gets too noisy. I met Barb Morrow there when she started her new position. One day when I had had 6-7 seizures in less than a couple hours at the Center, Barb approached me and said that she and Dean were Christians and prayed for people for healing. She said God did not want me to have seizures. He wanted me well and asked if she and Dean could pray for me. I agreed and we arranged for that Wednesday afternoon. Dean asked me if I knew Jesus and I told him yes, as I was baptized as a kid. Then he asked me a series of questions about past trauma and I shared that I had a very traumatic series of events happen to me when I was 9 years old. He walked me back to the time when I was 9 years old, during that traumatic event, and invited Jesus into the setting. I was set free! I felt lighter. I then had to test it out. No more seizures for 15 days. On the 15th day I became frustrated very badly and had a seizure. I told Barb and Dean had said that he may need to pray again. He then prayed for me again against the spirit of frustration. Since that day I have not had anymore seizures.

Dean Morrow:
I prayed for Luke, a 23 year-old who was sick with viral meningitis, according to the doctor. Luke’s mother asked if I could pray for him over the phone. I called and she put me on speaker phone. I told Luke that I was going to talk to the sickness like it was a “being” or a thing that had to go and I was not talking to him, but I was going to command that thing to go! When I finished speaking I asked him, “How do you feel?” He said, “the same as before.” So I said, “I am going to hit it again if that’s okay with you?” He agreed. I asked him if he was sitting, standing, or laying down. He said, “laying down and have been for three days.” As I began to picture him laying down I began to see snowflakes swirling around him. The snowflakes slowed down and they seemed to turn into numbers swirling around him instead. I told Luke what I saw (numbers) and that I believe that God created him with a gift for numbers and God will use him in that gifting. I said, “Do you have a mind for numbers – Does that resonate with you?” He said, “Yes, it certainly does. I’m always adding and subtracting numbers in my head.” He agreed to let me pray again. So I commanded the fever to “go”, in the name of Jesus, and to come up and out of him. I said to him, “Now try standing up and telling me how you feel.” He said, “About the same.” My final words were, “Well I believe that you are healed and I am standing in faith with you that you will be healed. Good night.”
The next day his mother emailed me with this message:
After you hung up with us the fever was gone in minutes and never returned! He got up and made himself a grilled cheese sandwich and heated some soup to eat. He enjoyed the meal and was processing what happened. He told me his pain/not feeling well was at a 1. He is a believer, but has never witnessed or experienced anything like this. He was expecting you to pray, the typical generic kind of prayer. Luke said he is in complete awe of the Lord. He believes even more that prayer works. This morning he got up and went to feed his animals. He said he feels fine.
Amazing works of the Lord!
Luke was also amazed that you were seeing numbers…that was spot on!
Thank you Dean for offering to pray with him over the phone. I appreciate your willingness to step out for the Lord! This experience has also elevated my belief.

For the past 2 years I’ve been suffering from extreme crippling anxiety to the point I feel like I’m having heart attacks daily. Sunday service 12/18/22 when Pastor Josh had just gotten back from his trip and was preaching about how he had healed so many people he asked everyone to pray for what they needed healed or to come forward to be prayed for. I unfortunately couldn’t come forward because my ride was waiting for me, but I asked God to heal me of my anxiety. It was been 6 days since that service and I have not had anxiety once since. The power of prayer is so real and God is so good. Thank you ACF for being such a loving and accepting body.

Pete: shoulder Pain healed
For over 3 months, and not knowing the reason how or why, I developed left shoulder pain while working. The pain was sharp in any movement and waking me up while sleeping 2 or 3 times a night. I had been praying and believing God for healing throughout these months. Attending weekly church service on October 9th, Pastor Josh had a Word of Knowledge about that very thing… left shoulder pain. I immediately thought it was for me, I received it and began to worship the Lord. Pastor Josh asked for people to gather around those with their hands raised and agree for God’s healing. As this was happening, within moments, I started moving my shoulder around with no pain. I left church that day healed and giving God all the glory. Five days today, Praise God… NO pain at all, working or sleeping.
Pete Cavallario

DEAN: In Utero Grandson Diagnosed with Hydrops Fetalis is Born Healthy
Our new grandson Beckett was delivered early due to complications. The ultrasound revealed what they called “Hydrops fetalis”, a serious life-threatening condition in which a fetus (or newborn) has an abnormal build-up of fluids in the tissue around the lungs, heart or abdomen.
The doctors wanted to induce early delivery of the baby. My wife was there when they received the call to go immediately to Syracuse hospital because of the serious threat.
When you see your child under attack it’s heartbreaking and you know that you can do nothing in your power to help, you know you need someone to help we need supernatural power, we need a Savior, an anointed one,” a great” physician greater than those doctors Jesus has the ability to diagnose and treat whatever is wrong like when Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that very hour. Matthew 8:13
My wife Barb did not agree with the bad report or the diagnosis and spoke truth to that idea, she said: “that is not the last word! We are not going to believe this to be the outcome. It is not over! She called me and I too came into agreement with her along with our church family at ACF, so we called upon the name of the Lord, King Jesus.
This is more than mere verbal petition directed toward God to “call upon” means more than simply making a request. When a doctor goes to the hospital to “call upon” patients, he does not merely walk into the room and say hi, he involves himself in a service. He examines the patient, listens to the patient’s concerns, gives further instructions regarding the patient’s hopeful recovery, and then oftentimes prescribes medication. That is a doctor “calling upon” a patient.
When we call upon the name of the Lord it is more like an “appeal” to a Higher Court and then submitting ourselves to His authority. We have an Advocate with the Father that is legally true. So we call upon the name of the Lord and then we use what He gave us His children as joint heirs co-heirs with Christ, an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade . . . kept in heaven. So we along with our church family prayed to God: “Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. We believe in those things that are not (a health baby) as though they were, Faith in a real heaven and a real hell and you do not have to die to experience it.
On June 3, 2022 at 4:05 pm (8lbs 11oz) Beckett James Morrow was born into this world in a room with a team of highly skilled doctors and nurses prepared for the worst, only to find a nearly perfect 9 out of 10 Apgar score in his first moments of life. A dramatic life-changing event!
Praise the Lord! (PTL) a divine intervention in human affairs: It is a miracle!
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).
Shalom Dean Morrow

LISA: “Abnormal Cyst Gone”
So I debated about writing and sharing this for fear of oversharing…but I feel that God deserves it from me and that someone out there may need to hear this.
A week ago, I got a phone call that no woman (or sometimes even a man) wants to get: “your mammogram showed an abnormal spot”. Being a Friday, the PA couldn’t see me til Monday…they wanted me to come in to discuss further…signal me freaking out! The doctor ended up calling me back and tried to calm me down saying they think it looks like an abnormal cyst. I immediately called Elizabeth Wende (they are seriously the best) and got an appointment for today. Anyone that knows me, knows that waiting for this was torture. However, I did something the old me didn’t always do…I immediately took it to God…which meant lots of early morning pleading sessions from me and songs that made me cry buckets…but it also brought a week of growing pains for me. Every scripture verse I turned to was about trusting the Lord…casting your cares on Him. Every day my devotional was about praying instead of worrying. It was so crazy! I could not deny Him speaking to me and growing me in patience and trust. It is hard to explain the peace it was bringing me (even though a big part of me was freaking out inside and so was my husband).
Throughout the week, I kept running into women who walk in their faith every day and who have experienced some pretty heavy trials. I shared with them and the praying commenced. My Wednesday night bible study “herd” laid hands on me and prayed for miracles. If you have never had someone do this for you, I highly recommend you is powerful!
Which now brings me to today. I had to have a repeat mammogram and ultrasound…you guys: the doctor did not see the irregular spot…only cysts! In one week…..gone!!!! Praise God! How can anything but God get credit for this!? After I got this news, I had to sit outside and wait for my husband to come back for me (he couldn’t go in with me). I just sat there on the bench sobbing tears of joy, but also my heart was breaking for others who don’t get this great news. I started praying for every woman that walked past me. It is hard to understand why some people get their miracles and others don’t.
I want to encourage you to keep pushing forward regardless of your circumstance. God is in the miracle business and if you truly turn to Him, He will walk you through these trials. Try and find friends who pray for you…it is life changing! The support my “herd” showed me is what got me through this week and many other hard times. I hope by sharing this miracle, it reaches someone.”

Around December our daughter Natalia started complaining about pain in her knee. With the continual complaints we finally made an apt with an orthopedic and they recommended PT. After going to a month of PT and it not getting any better they did an MRI which showed that she had a defect in her cartilage and needed pure rest. So she started with a brace and crutches. After a month she went back and still wasn’t getting better- they referred us to a pediatric specialist at Upstate. No brace but pure rest again and they said they haven’t seen a defect that size in a 10 year old and probably will need 3 additional months at least of pure rest and crutches.
I talked to Pastor Paul about it and he prayed for her knee. Natalia told me after pastor prayed she already felt it was better. We knew she was healed. We went back to Upstate this Monday and she was released! No restrictions and no crutches! Praise God! He is soo good! Not only for her healing but how it healed her spirit and reminded us that He cares for us and that He never leaves us.

All I can say is…WOW! From the beginning to the end of the February 27, 2022 service, it was the flow of the Holy Spirit. This is how it affected me and words that spoke to me.
Pastor Cheryl’s word- strongholds, calls, Jesus’ will.
I have to let go of those things that are holding me down. What is Jesus calling me to do and what is His will? I’m asking Him but no answers yet or maybe they’re there but I can’t hear.
Pastor Josh’s word- breakthrough, transforming hearts, healing.
Okay, God has brought at least 2 speakers so far that had words for my breakthrough but, at the time I listened but wasn’t ready to release that hold. I have to heal my heart and let stuff go.
Pastor Micki’s word- stuck, step out of the night season, joy will come in the morning.
I’ve been stuck and holding on to and couldn’t seem to let go. I have to step out of the darkness and get into the light. Now….darkness represents depression, clouds that won’t clear. Light….the relief of pushing away and forgiving what holds me down with that I’ll get joy. I don’t have the depression, anxiety and the fear I once had when COVID started. Thank you, God, for helping me with that.
Pastor Shane’s word- calling, complete victory, defeat the enemy, God people in our lives, walk in the light, get out of the darkness, joy will come in the morning, stuff we keep and we need to get rid of, tear off what’s holding us down, God’s guidance, joy will come in the morning, battles we’re facing, start today-new beginnings-complete victory.
Well this is where God got my attention. (Thank you, Pastor Josh, for listening to the Holy Spirit and giving your time to Pastor Shane.) When Shane finished speaking the words that God gave him. I heard….”It’s time”….to let go.
When Shane spoke of a dream and callings. It brought a reminder of a dream I woke up to on February 8th this year. All I could remember was these words that seemed to jump out. The words which came out in a crossword form were….CALL….CALLED….CALLING. I kept asking God what the words meant. I didn’t get an answer and now I’m thinking maybe… He made the CALL, He CALLED us, and He’s CALLING again and wants us to see that…He wouldn’t call us and not give us the tools for it.
I have to achieve complete victory and defeat the enemy. I have to remember the people God has placed in my life and listen to the wisdom He has brought through them. Once I walk out of the darkness and into the light I will see a joy in what God has for me. I have to get rid of stuff and the battle once and for all and in doing that I’ll get my new beginning and complete victory.
Pastor Paul’s word- break agreement with the devil, new garments, boldness to be all Gods, get rid of bondage (internal bondage), speak life-heal broken hearts.
So, with Pastor Paul’s word it all came down..I have to let go of the strongholds and break the agreement with the devil-the enemy who lies…and who has had my attention to the thinking that….”I’ve been forgotten” by the church and friends and recently even the thought the church has told people not to talk to me in any form because I don’t go to church in person. In the way a mind works when thoughts of that come, recently I even acted upon the thought of….I’ll stop tithing and make them feel what it’s like to be forgotten. I did it but all it has done is made me feel guilty. All I know is COVID that brought on the fear, anxiety and depression and everything that came with that has brought me down. I know the enemy is a sly one and I got sucked in because of the fear.
So, I forgive all those who I thought have forgotten me and release the bitterness that it has brought.
I am thankful for my family, my Church and my friends. A very smart woman in my life recently told me just because she doesn’t see or talk to me doesn’t mean I’m not thought of. She wanted me to know that…I’m not forgotten. (God had given her a message about me that I was feeling like that. Isn’t that something, because I hadn’t told anyone I was feeling like that.)
It has been almost 2 years since I’ve seen friends and most family. But, God still brings them to my mind and I think of good times and pray for them. I know He does the same for me in others.
Thank you for the Worship Team… From the beginning to the end it was great. The sound of the music, voices and the vibrations I felt from it I know was the Holy Spirit.
Know that when God gives a word it can make a difference.

Lori: “Painful Breathing Issue”
Hello!! As promised to Pastor Paul I’m putting in my healing testament.
After a meeting (for heart healing❤️ ) with Pastor Cheryl she prayed over me for healing. I’d had COVID and a very painful gallbladder issue. Taking a deep breath hurt my organs horribly. That day shortly after I left her my notification went off to take my deep breaths. I braced myself before I did just sure it was going to be painful. The healing prayer slipped my mind until I got to that count of 4 in and felt NOTHING. I was pretty excited and shocked! The pain never came back. 🙏❤️
Who knew!

Linda: “Back Pain Healed through the Livestream”
Praise God, He is so good.
For over a month I suffered from pain in my back in the rib area on the left hand side. It wasn’t pain actually but a severe burning sensation like when you burn yourself and the pain you get from that burn afterwards. I didn’t choose to go to a doctor to find out what it was. Instead I gave it to God and believed He would heal me.
Sunday, as I was watching church online, Pastor Paul came up and said that he felt that the Lord was telling him that there was someone that was suffering from pain in their back on the left side in the rib area. He said that the Lord wanted to heal that person or persons. I immediately said “God that is me and I claim that healing.”
The pain immediately left my back and has not returned. God is so good!!
God Bless,

Lou: “I Thank God I Got Covid”
Probably not going to hear that very often.
I look back I didn’t think much about covid. After all GOD didn’t give me a spirit of fear. To me I felt so many people living in fear.
Now I am not feeling good and I go to my doctor. I had no symptoms so I didn’t get tested for covid. I thought they were going overboard testing everyone with the sniffles, but I guess not. Still not feeling good Doctor tells me go to the ER. So off we go, you guess it no test because I didn’t have symptoms.
Now time line not sure of day or two but I passed out Nancy jumped up! I had crashed on the floor. Didn’t know what happened, I really was confused. In the morning with help now I could hardly stand up. I was off to the ER. Now I have symptoms and I tested positive for covid. My oxygen level was in the 70’s.
Now I am admitted still pretty confused. Now that fear I bragged I didn’t have, showed up. I wasn’t a happy guy and the nurses knew it. I was really mistreated by one person who am unsure whether she was a nurse or not. Nancy called patient advocate and I didn’t see her again. Even the nurse I told could not believe what she did. I admit the care was not great but I feel they are so short staffed and they are doing their best.
Now I was feeling angry, frustrated, and of course the poor me attitude. At some point I felt like I was just running but I could feel HIM right behind me.
That’s when my phone came alive with calls and text messages! And they didn’t stop. GOD poored out HIS love through my friends and my church family and it was so overwhelming. I can’t even put into words. Peggy Brown sent me Psalm 91. I read that over and over.
When morning came I was not feeling sorry for myself! I was overwhelmed with GOD’s love and grace, and knew that I had failed to love that one that treated me bad. I prayed and asked for forgiveness.
That’s why I say thank GOD I experienced covid. It made me realize how loved I am.
I thank Airport Christian Fellowship, which I said to Pastor Josh I think should be labeled Airport Christian Family.
One thing I really want to urge you all to do, because I really can’t put into words what you guys did, and how that lifted me up…When someone is on your mind, CALL ,TEXT, DON’T EVER SAY I DON’T WANT TO BOTHER THEM.
GOD BLESS Lou Dolloway

Testimonies shared at our Saturday night service on November 13, 2021:

My pickup truck was in need of repair so I contacted what I call a shady mechanic. He said he would take a look just drop it off. So I dropped it off that day. A week later I got a call from his son, who said my dad is in jail and won’t be able to work on your truck, but I can work on it for you.
When he had completed the work and brought it back to me. I asked him how he was doing, knowing a little bit about his background and his struggle with drug addiction. He said not very well, my wife’s two children were taken by Child Protection Services, I’ve lost my job, I’m hooked on drugs.
As he began to tell his story I could only agree with him. Wow, your life is a mess. I told him a dead-end road is a good place to turn around. He said, I need to do something different, I said, has anybody ever told you about how much God loves you? Even now in the midst of your worst days? No, he said.
I said even though you’ve made a wreck of your life, he can help you he recognized he needed help. I asked him if he would like to know more about this Jesus I’ve been talking about? Yes, he said.
I said, what about your wife? Do you think she would listen too? He said, right now I think she would.
So I went to their house. We sat and talked together. They poured their hearts out about the trouble they were in, how they had made a mess of their lives. I explained to them that I could introduce them to someone that could change the direction that they have been heading. The course that they’ve been on. I told them both again is a dead-end road, and it is a good place to turn around. Would you be willing to do that today? Yes! they both said.
Are you ready for a change in your life? Yes, again. Will you accept Jesus? Yes, again. Will you both make him Lord of your lives. Yes, we will. How do we do it? They both said, right now we would do anything for a change in the mess we have made. I felt led to not rush… something was changing in them slowly and I wanted to be sure they were really ready and truly repentant, not just saying the sinner’s prayer with them.
I felt and noticed a hunger and a thirst increasing. Some of the fog from life was beginning to lift.
Finally, after an hour from when they first said that, they would accept the Lord. I told them how you can hear the voice of God, and you can speak to him directly.You don’t need me. But they had no idea how to do it. So I said I’ll show you but this is something you can do on your own. I’ll be leading you but you’re not talking to me, you’re talking to God, the creator of the universe.
They instinctively bowed their heads and, with tears, asked for forgiveness. Knowing tears are the #1 manifestation of the Holy Spirt I commanded the spirit of addiction to come out of them in the name of Jesus Christ Of Nazareth. They both manifested by coughing, as that unclean spirit came out they felt it go and said that was a really weird feeling.
I asked what other issues in their life are they struggling with? Things like anger, fear, resentment? After a few more issues in their lives were broken off and they were set free, they couldn’t think of anything else so. I asked the Holy Spirit to bring to their remembrance, to their mind any other issue that Holy Spirit would like to minister to them about today. I told them how to hear the voice of God. It may come as a thought, or you may hear a word, seemingly random. But when we’re asking don’t dismiss it OK? OK.
Father, in the name of Jesus. I ask you to bring to their remembrance, to speak to them any issue in their lives that you would like to deal with right now. Did you get anything? Did anything come to mind… any word? Any thought? Any picture? Any feeling? They both said no. I said, well, I had a thought come to mind. I heard the word jealousy. They both at the same time said, oh my God, that’s it. How did you know? That’s exactly the same word I got. I was afraid to say it. I didn’t know if it was just me. Oh my God, I can’t believe it… how did you know? I said that’s the way God speaks. Sometimes it comes as a thought or impression.
I want to encourage you, you have just heard for the first time in your life knowingly that God is speaking to you. You have both heard God’s voice! God speaking to you directly, he’s telling you He wants you free from this, let’s rebuke the spirit of jealousy. I showed them how to do it themselves, how to tell it to leave… to use their authority as new believers.
I’m happy to report that since that day they spent 30 days in drug rehab center, and are coming off the withdrawals of drug addiction. God has been faithful. They are children and they have been going to church and testifying to their father about the change in their lives! Praise Jesus for a miraculous day!

Heidi: “Marriage Makeover”
The nineteenth year of our marriage, we had a houseful of youths. My daughter Eliza was seventeen in February, a senior graduating a year early, preparing to embark on her aerospace degree at Syracuse University. Our son Christoper was fifteen, growing into his IT future. Son Harold was fourteen, never stopped smiling and sharing a plethora of information. Son Alex was about to turn thirteen, well on his way to being a leader and gaining skills and knowledge for his future career as an army Apache helicopter specialist.
Added to that was Julia, our sixteen-year-old German exchange student who was sharing a room with our daughter (we gave them the master bedroom and moved into Eliza’s room), then throw in Josua, our eighteen-year-old “adopted son”. As you can see, we had a house full! Added to that, I was doing childcare in my home, was part of a lady’s group, a care group, and on the general board at church, as well as a Hospice volunteer. John was a federal employee working at Fort Drum. In his “spare time”, he did a lot of repair/remodel on our house, kept up with our vehicle maintenance, hunting and ice fishing.
Needless to say, we were not connecting well in our marriage or finances. It doesn’t help that I was in a legalistic, trying to work for the Lord mode and wanted to win souls, including the children in our lives and my husband. I was part of a mission team, preparing to go to Ukraine for my third trip. John was proud of me going and helped me with funds. It was my first two-week trip; we were in Ukraine for their Easter celebration, which is not the same week as in the U. S. On the flight there, I was reading “The Fire Of Delayed Answers” by Bob Sorge. [to this day, I have never finished that book!] I knew we were having major rifts in our marriage and were in that fire. I heard the Spirit say, “You will come home as a new wife to your ‘new’ husband and I will repair your marriage.” I had tears of relief that turned to joy!
Little did I realize the whole thing would fall apart before God could do the repair! The spirit of divorce captured my husband’s heart. He hooked up with a former girlfriend and decided our children were mature enough to not need him, that we had nothing in common, and that I didn’t love him. Classic lies from the devil that he uses repeatedly; he lacks creativity! When I returned from the trip, John took me for an evening drive to talk to me. He dropped the bombshell, then asked where I wanted to be dropped off to get help.
Led by the Spirit, I chose my dear friends Mel & Norma, and found their son Matt and his wife Tish were staying with them. They let me tell my story and cry, then prayed for and counseled me. Norma led me to read Psalm 93 and meditate on it. John moved into his office across the hall from our bedroom. He confessed he hadn’t gotten physical, but had given his heart to the other woman. My Hospice Volunteer Coordinator told me, “Just let him go, you are too good for him.” My pastor said I needed to let the unbeliever go if he chose to; definitely scriptural! My church family gathered around and held me up in prayers, loving John through it all.
My brother who was a crisis center volunteer, referred me to the family counseling center in the city. When I called, they only had one counselor who took our insurance; he was a youth group leader. Way to know God is on your side! He heard my side of the story and asked if John would come share his side. Another obvious God thing, a friend was able to drive me to John’s office at Fort Drum, the only way he’d agree to go to the appointment with me. After John talked, the counselor said, “Looks like you have disassociated yourself from your wife.” Which John agreed to. The counselor told him to think of one step he could take back towards me. Holy Spirit inspiration hit both of us! God uses all things for good to fulfill His purposes in our lives. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, He give us hope and a good future. We almost didn’t celebrate our nineteenth anniversary, but in 2021, on August first, we celebrated forty years. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Today, we are in a more loving relationship than I would have thought possible. John has not surrendered to Jesus yet, but he’s moving closer by the day. I am tickled to have a husband who is rejoicing in the wife of his youth and we share our pride in four grown children and their spouses, who have blessed us with nine wonderful grandkids.
John says it’s scary how often we are thinking the same thoughts and I let him know when he’s heard from God. Of course, life isn’t perfect here on earth, but we are growing together and good things are on the horizon. Therefore, no matter where you are on your journey today, take heart, the Lord is in the business of reconciling relationships!

Testimonies shared at our Saturday night service on November 6, 2021:

My right knee has been nagging some pain for about 10days. (Range of
motion restricted) Finally yesterday, while doing carpentry, it was slowing me down. I laid hands on it and prayed.
This morning upon waking…the pain and stiffness are GONE. Full range restored.
Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!!

I suffered with pain associated with a torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder. During the Global Awakening event, I experienced a partial healing suddenly, then the remainder over a period of a few months, as I prayed healing over others. My left shoulder is completely healed by the blood of Jesus!
I also experienced the power in the name of Jesus. While on vacation in Florida, I took my son to the hospital, as he experienced lower abdominal pain. Once we were brought into a hospital room, a woman in the next room began to continually scream “get me out of here!” My son’s nurse said to us, I don’t understand what’s wrong with her, as I was just in there with her.
The Holy Spirit instructed me to proclaim “in the name of Jesus, I command you to be silent.” Suddenly, the screaming ceased. Then, the Holy Spirit instructed me to say “in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave this woman.” After a few minutes, I went into the hallway and looked into the room. My eyes locked with her eyes (of the heart). I saw and felt a woman that had been tormented most of her life, but now she was FREE!” Glory, glory be to Lord Jesus!

More testimonies coming soon!
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