Operation Christmas Child

Pick any or many of the following options to participate!

Take a shoebox and label. Shop. Fill the box. Bring it back by Nov 6th! Take more than one if you would like!

Buy from our Amazon Wishlist for supplying ACF’s upcoming packing party. Have the packages sent to your residence and bring to church as you receive them!  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2NL6JV4TNBZE1?ref_=wl_share

Donate money for shopping or shipping!  Either use a labelled envelope for cash or check and put in the giving box, or use the Operation Christmas Child dropdown in the ACF online giving! Support the effort, also, by stopping by the snack bar on Sundays!

Help fill the bins!  We have bins in the foyer designated for specific items that you might like to shop for and donate: CRAYONS, COMBS/BRUSHES, BARS OF SOAP, WASHCLOTHS, SOCKS, FLIP FLOPS

Miscellaneous donations! If you have small toys or any shoebox-sized items that you’d like to donate, please feel free to add those to our big red bin in the first coat closet in the foyer.

 Sign up to help with the packing party! The teen group and GB football team are participating in the packing party on November 7th!  We would love adult help to prepare and make the packing successful and smooth! Sign up at the OCC table in the foyer!

It would be helpful that ANY DONATIONS BE MADE and BROUGHT IN BY OCTOBER 23rd. Thank you so much for supporting this awesome mission both with prayer and giving!

Contact Lisa Wilson with questions: 315-408-7354