Missions Task Force
The Missions Task Force (MTF) is composed of church members who have a passion for reaching every “tribe and tongue” with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They keep our congregation informed on our missionaries’ needs and activities, as well as recommend how our missions money be allocated. They inspire us to keep in-tune with God’s heartbeat for souls around the world to know Him and His great love.
New Bible School in Tanzania
ACF is helping build the new campus for the Bible School in Manyara Tanzania!
Below are a few pictures showing progress from vacant land to the construction of a 36 X 84 foot building to house students and the first classroom.
MTF is thankful for your support in this endeavor. This school and the school in Moshi serve the 800 churches of PEFA and other denominations as well. The harvest is great and the laborers are few . . .
Sam Larkin

David’s Kidz
Davids KidZ is a faith-based nonprofit organization bringing hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. They are the hands and feet of Jesus carrying the good news in practical meaningful ways. Through Davids Kidz child sponsorship program, children are thriving and growing. They provide aid to assist through education, feeding and medical programs. Some of their other projects invest into families economic welfare with the goal to break the cycle of poverty. Davids KidZ is changing lives one child, family, and community at a time.

Operation Christmas Child
Every November, the youth are excited to assemble special boxes to be sent out to needy children through Operation Christmas Child.