The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40
The mission of ACF is to “Live in the Light of Jesus Christ: revealing God’s Love, restoring true hope, transforming lives.” As an extension, the heart of ACF Community Outreach is exactly that. Our desire is to be a light in our local community. We strive to share the love of Jesus Christ through service, outreach, and meeting of practical needs.
5th Annual School Supply Giveaway – August 2022


4th Annual School Supply Giveaway – July 2021


November 2020
Thank you to everyone who had a part in this!
APRIL/MAY 2020: Thank you for your amazing generosity, prayer, and sacrificial efforts to help our community during the C-19 pandemic! We are working with donations from ACF church members, Nonna Dina’s Pizzeria, Dexter American Legion, and individuals in the community.
- So far we have been able to assist multiple food banks in the area, General Brown and Sackets Harbor schools backpack programs, as well as a few other individuals with food, clothing, and toiletries.
- Care packages have been sent to SMC to bless and encourage the staff.
- Care packages delivered to Credo Community Center locations.
- 150 Backpacks filled with school supplies were handed out to local students.
- If you wish to participate in these efforts through our website – the EasyTithe giving option has been updated to include “Community Outreach” option in the dropdown menu.
Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!

3rd Annual School Supply Giveaway — 2020

2nd Annual School Supply Giveaway — 2019

Walk to END Alzheimer’s

We are thankful to for supporting us with the use of their online survey software.