Hello ACF Church,
Hope you are safe and doing well!
From Beau L: If you are in need of anything or know anyone in the church or surrounding community that is in need, please don’t hesitate to call or email the church office or reach out to any of these Deacons.
My info is 315-771-0916 / email: beau.ledbury@yahoo.com. The church email is office@myacf.org. We are here to help and have resources that can be beneficial to your situation.
Also, we are taking all forms of donations whether financial or non-perishables. The outreach team is putting together ways to help our church and its community. If you would like to donate any non-perishable foods or basic necessities please drop those off at the church and we will get them to someone in need.
Again I say, if you are in need or know someone who is, please don’t hesitate to contact me or the church (needs will be kept confidential).