A note from our pastors/elders:
ACF Family:
We are writing to update you on how we are handling our current circumstances regarding the recent health precautions put in place by New York State and recommended by Federal authorities, surrounding the Corona Virus. We understand that this is a very fluid and developing situation with many unknowns and uncertainties. We are sincerely considering the recommendations for group gatherings our size (< 500 people). Our maximum sanctuary occupancy is 340 people and our average Sunday attendance is approximately 150 people. We have consulted with our eldership team and have established the following plan for this weekend.
We will start by reminding you of what we should not do. We should not be worried (Philippians 4:6-7) and we should not be fearful (2 Timothy 1:7), as these reactions are never helpful. What we should do is pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17), walk in wisdom (Proverbs 4), and remain at peace (John 16:33). Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end… The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. 1Peter 5:6-7 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
The well-being of every person who attends and participates in our group gatherings is very important to us. Based on recommendations from local, state, and federal health authorities, we have a few things we are considering regarding our Sunday services (please see below). If you are someone considered “high-risk” then we encourage you to follow the recommended safety protocols put in place by our local government, including isolation precautions. To view the qualifications for “high-risk”, please click the following link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/high-risk-complications.html#who-is-higher-risk. If you are someone who is symptomatic or high-risk, and scheduled to serve in ministry, please contact your ministry leader so he or she can make appropriate arrangements. We are taking more precautions with cleanliness throughout our facility. We will have hand-sanitizer available in our children’s areas and in the foyer. In addition, we encourage everyone to minimize physical contact, including hand-shaking and hugging.
At this time we are planning to have our regular Sunday service this coming weekend. Post-service refreshments and Fellowship Sunday activities have been cancelled until further notice. We will notify the ACF Family by 5:00pm Saturday evening if cancellation becomes necessary – via email, Facebook, and website notices.
Please continue to check for updates on our website, myacf.org. Please continue to give tithes and offerings through the PayPal or EasyTithe links on our website, as we have several people and mission endeavors we support, as well as our church facility to care for. You can also mail in any tithes and offerings to Airport Christian Fellowship, P.O. Box 557, Dexter, NY 13634.
Here is a list of general recommendations from our local authorities:1. If you are sick, particularly with respiratory-related illness, we ask that you stay home. Know that you are loved by your ACF Family. Please enjoy our online sermon messages. If you have need of pastoral care then please call one of us pastors or the church office.
2. Wash or sanitize your hands prior to entering the sanctuary. We have soap and dispensers in the children’s area as well as in the restrooms.
3. As stated above, we will temporarily forgo physical contact, including hugging and handshakes during our service. This is a recommended measure by health officials.
4. Wisdom is important. Please fact-check any source of information you use during this time.
We encourage you to please continue to participate in life groups as you are able, or at least maintain edifying communication with your life groups if you are sick. If Sunday services are temporarily halted then life groups will become an important ministry connection for everyone.
Many blessings to you and your family. We serve a good Father who reigns in our hearts and on this earth.
Blessings,Pastor Paul & the Eldership Team