ACF Church will be sending OCC shoeboxes this year!
If you already give financially to the church (tithes & offerings) – you are involved! Our Missions department (MTF) is sponsoring the shipment of the shoeboxes plus some funds to buy supplies to fill the boxes.
To donate an additional monetary gift, please make the check out to “ACF” and note in the memo that it is for Operation Christmas Child. Please make the donation by Sunday, October 25th.
To donate items for the shoeboxes, please see THIS PAGE and take note of which items to avoid. Please place your donations in the red bin in the church foyer. A “wow” gift would be really great to bring to church. Also, a handwritten note for the child would be very special!
For those who already took a box from the church foyer please:
1. Refer to the Operation Christmas Child “How to pack a shoebox” page and list of “items to avoid.”
2. Bring the filled box to the church Fellowship Hall before or during the packing party on November 7th. The box must be unsealed with no wrapped gifts inside.
3. If you would prefer to have others do the shopping for the contents of the box then just bring the box back to the display in the foyer by Sunday, October 25th.
The shoebox packing party will be in the church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, November 7th @ 10AM.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Gift Suggestion webpage