Global School of Supernatural Ministry

*No Saturday evening service on March 5th.

We are so blessed to have students from Global School of Supernatural Ministry with us again!

In preparation for this weekend, let’s pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our church and community (salvation, miracles, signs and wonders, impartation of gifts, prison doors open, …). Holy Spirit, come! 

*No admission fee. All are welcome to attend!

Friday Evening Session (3.4.22) 

6:30pm Healing service (Biblical basis for healing)

Saturday Morning Sessions (3.5.22) 

9 AM Hearing God’s Voice 

10:30 AM Words of Knowledge 

Lunch Break (12-1:30)

(Lunch is not provided for conference attendees.)

Saturday Afternoon Sessions (3.5.22)

1:30PM: Prophetic Protocol 

3PM: Outreach Training & Outreach

4:30PM: Meet back at church to share testimonies

Sunday Morning (3.6.22)

10AM GSSM Exhortation and prayer ministry