Join us for our annual picnic on August 11th off-site at Jody Countryman’s barn and yard 14548 NYS Rte. 12E Dexter, NY 13634.
We’ll enjoy a church-provided meal of hamburgers and hot dogs; potato, macaroni, pasta, and tossed salads; and chips. If you have a favorite dessert recipe you would like to bring, that’s wonderful! There are sign up sheets in the foyer. We are especially in need of some people to commit to set-up the day before, and to clean up the day of. There’s a sign up for those jobs, and a sign-up for attendance in the foyer. We’d like to have a good idea of how much food is needed, so please sign up if possible!
If you’re not able to make it in person to sign up in the foyer, please email the office: office@myacf.org
Please also contact the office if you are interested in being baptized at the church picnic!