ACF Annual Business Meeting

Our Annual Business Meeting (ABM) will be Tuesday, September 19th at 6:30pm. We will be voting to affirm Bruce Gibson and Beau Ledbury for 3 year terms as Trustees; Pete Cavallario for a 1 year term as Stewardship Board Chairperson; and Gary Quencer for a 1 year term as Treasurer (photos below). Pastor Josh plans to speak a little bit about where we currently stand on a potential building project, and we will review annual reports, and have a time for questions as well. 

Q&A: If you would like to submit any questions, for the question and answer part of the meeting, please submit them here!

POT-LUCK DINNER: We will be having a pot-luck dinner before the ABM, beginning at 5:30pm. Please feel free to bring a dish and join us!