A small group of students from Global Awakening school will be with us for an entire weekend of healing, training and impartation.
There is no charge for the entire weekend, however registration is still necessary to track our seating availability. Pre-registration is required for each session you plan to attend. Thank you!
- 6:30PM Friday Night: Healing Service
- https://friday-night-3-19-2021.eventbrite.com
- 9:30AM Saturday Morning: Hearing God’s Voice // Words of Knowledge // 5-Step Prayer Model
- https://saturday-morning-3-20-21.eventbrite.com
- 2PM Saturday Afternoon: Prophetic Protocol // Emotional Healing Protocol // Deliverance Training
- https://saturday-afternoon-3-20-21.eventbrite.com
- 2PM Sunday Afternoon: Outreach Training // Teams go on outreach // Teams regather to share outreach testimonies
- https://sunday-afternoon.eventbrite.com
Childcare is not available due to social distancing requirements.
Lunch is not available on-sight Saturday due to social distancing requirements.
There will be an opportunity for a love offering to bless the GA team.
Each teaching session will be live-streamed for anyone who is unable to attend.