We are doing an ACF Kids Video again this year to bring the church a smile and a bit of Christmas cheer. 


️ Last time we did this was Christmas 2018 and it was really sweet and a big hit. We really hope you’ll help!

If you have a child in your life (child, grandchild, niece, nephew… whomever wants in!), and are willing to record him or her answering some questions about Christmas, we’d love it! 

No pressure to have a professional recording or anything like that– cell phone video clips will work fine! Just find a quiet spot (good audio will be the most helpful!) and ask your sweet participant the following questions:

Do you know the Christmas story?

What is Christmas?

Who were Jesus’ parents?

Where did Mary and Joseph travel to?

Where was Jesus born?

What happened when they tried to get a place to stay?

Where did they stay?

What is a manger?

Who came to visit Jesus?

How many wise men were there?

How did the wise men find Jesus?

Why did Jesus come to earth?

Who is Santa Claus?

Did Jesus ever meet Santa?

What is your favorite part of Christmas?

Let me know if you have any questions! You can get me the video clips via Facebook messenger, google photos/email, or Dropbox. We are hoping to get all our contributions by Sunday, December 6th.

Truly hoping and praying you are blessed this holiday season. Hope you’ll help us bring a smile to everyone who hasn’t had the best 2020 

With love,

Lindsey Maxon

Text with questions: 774-313-9644

Or email ( Or Facebook