Gratitude and the Testimony of Jesus!

Today in our Sunday service instead of listening to a sermon, we made room for gratitude to God and others in the form of people testifying to what God had done in their lives in the past year. We heard of cancer’s survived, and overwhelming crises meeting an overcoming God. Some people told of how they escaped and others of how they went through. Marriages went from surviving to thriving, and large obstacles became the perfect opportunity to encounter the Lord. Chronic health issues were resolved, and survived as transformational grace was on display. We even heard of a season of peace and blessing. It was very special, and God is truly moving in our midst!

What was really going on in these lives through this host of different challenges and encounters with God? First, we heard the testimony of Jesus. Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” The enemy of our souls is overcome by our trusting in Jesus as Savior and Lord in the very real problems of life we face. Jesus paid the highest price to make God’s saving and helping grace available in the lowest places. As Psalms 139 exhorts there is no place where we can go that God’s presence isn’t already there. The accuser attempts to bully us away from the source of hope, Jesus, using our sin, sickness, failure, and frailty against us. In Jesus Christ we find help to stand and draw near to God regardless of the circumstances, and it is deeply life giving.

We also heard gratitude! 1Th. 5:18 “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” We heard gratitude in the context of great trial and testing. We heard that God’s presence invaded overwhelming trouble, and Jesus made a way to get through. He really does never leave or forsake His children (Heb 13:5). God is always with us (Matt 28:20). The timing of events is very difficult for us to understand, yet His presence is very real, as He provides very real grace to help in our time of need. Cancer’s presence doesn’t mean God’s absence! Disappointment doesn’t mean God doesn’t have a good plan. Long delayed answers to prayer do not mean God won’t come through. God is love, and He is faithful! We heard gratitude for God’s grace and help, thankfulness for family, friends, and church, as well as appreciation for God’s ability to work good from all kinds of chaos.

Finally, we saw seeds being sown. Each story of God meeting needs and guiding our steps is hope for others looking at similar obstacles (Rom 5:5). Thank you Lord! What has He done for you? Gratitude looks good on everyone! Share His goodness with others. Who has gone through what you are going through? Ask them for encouragement and prayer. Let’s freely share what we’ve received and receive what God has put in someone nearby to share.